Friedhelm, 92
It was always important to me to get to the bottom of things.
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Even as a small boy I was very nosy and interested in all things technical. Nothing was safe and everything was taken apart. I had to know what my model train looked like from the inside. This continued throughout my life. Beginning of the 80’s, I was already retired, my son got self-employed. He furnished the office with modern computers. I was instantly fascinated by this technology and my son gave me “lessons”. I had so much fun, that I helped my son out for a few hours here and there.
Then my son said “why don’t you get one yourself for at home?” I liked the idea and that is how I got my first own computer. Especially with the internet I am able to go far away.
Sometimes I type in travel destinations and look at the pretty photographs, read the information provided and do virtual travelling. It is as well a way to inform oneself about public figures.
It always was important to me to look behind things, get to the bottom of things. For that computer and the internet, especially for me, a senior citizen, are a great chance.