Christel, 85

Every time I touch the milk churn, memories of my life awaken.

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Christel, 85

Every time I touch the milk churn, memories of my life awaken.

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The milk churn is an object that means a lot to me and has been with me my whole life through.

It began as my father in the ‘20s of the previous century opened a dairy in Solingen-Gräfrath. I played between the milk churns in my childhood, and I worked with the churns in my parents shop from my early youth.

At 4 o’clock in the morning milk would be collected from the dairy in the churns and delivered to the customers. In the shop I would measure out the milk straight from the churns and sell it to the customers.

In the ‘50s I took over and developed the business with my husband. At home I have a huge example standing in my hallway. There it serves as an umbrella and walking stick stand. In the meantime I have become blind and can’t see “my” churn anymore.

But whenever I touch it, all the wonderful memories of my long life awaken – my childhood, my parental home, my husband and my hard, but good working life.